Mau Power Live at the Rocks

Mau Power Live at the Rocks Haling from the remote, yet culturally rich, Thursday Island, Mau Power is a pioneer of Torres Strait Island rap music. His High energy, interactive performances include two MC’s, a live soul singer, a world-renowned DJ and a traditional Torres Strait dancer dressed in full costume. To Start off 2016 Mau Power made an appearance at the Rocks Foreshore in Sydney to perform for the Australia Day celebration. The event see over 80,000 people over the day pass through in search for entertainment for the Australia day celebration. This event was a great start to 2016 for the “Mau Power” PowerNation movement.  EVENT DETAILS

Dates: Tuesday, 26 Janurary 2016
Times: 1:35pm 45mins duration
Where: Warrane Stage, First Fleet Park, The Rocks NSW 2000
Free event

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