My latest album Blue Lotus The Awakening (available here on iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Deezer and Spotify) has been featured on Green Left’s list of 10 New Political Albums That Will Make You Smile. They have the following to say: “At the northern tip of the threatened Great Barrier Reef, Torres Strait Islander rapper Mau Power released his new album on July 12. Among the many issues it tackles is the appallingly high suicide rates of Aboriginal people, which even prompted the right-wing government to announce it was taking action this month.” The article goes on to talk about the song Tree of Life.

The song Tree of Life features the artists Jimblah and Joe Williams. Inspired by real life stories and personal experience; “Tree of Life” was written in the hope that it will bring the issue of suicide into a more open discussion, and normalise the conversation about depression, loneliness and emotional pain; especially for our youth. It opens the discussion to try to understand why the nation is so depressed and vividly & descriptively highlight the tragic impacts it has on communities and families across the country. Thank you to Green Left for including Blue Lotus The Awakening on their list and helping to highlight this crucial issue, and be sure to check out the rest of their list!

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